Sunday 09 March 2025 8:14:40:AM

homeopathic potencies Have “Nanoparticles”

Its an unedited article published in the paper INFORMER on June 23

Material found in homoeopathic potencies in the form of “Nanoparticles” 

On 30-04-2023. A scientific seminar on Genetics & Nanoscience was organised by Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physicians (IHP) Haryana State Branch, Rohtak unit at Rohtak: attended by IIHP national president Dr. Tanvir Husain, vice president Dr. Vinod Sangwan, State president Dr. Ashok Verma and Haryana state executives, among about one hundred fifty delegates form Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan.

Where Dr ES Rajendran, the dean of Vinayaka Mission’s Homoeopathic Medical College, Salem, Tamilnadu, India was key speaker. The material of the lecture was the outcome of his several years of thinking. research and scientific study. which was completed with the technical support of experts in Nanotechnology from various popular institutions in India, done with the help of sophisticated machines. He did the study with the support of Indian Institute of Science (IISC) Bangalore. International Centre for Nanotechnology, MG university, Kottayam and NIT Calicut.

He explained the mode of action and properties of our homeopathic potencies. But here, he practically demonstrates the real nature of homeopathic medicines, and said with full confidence that Homoeopathic medicines are nanomedicines. 


As we know the common statement by the critics of homoeopathy is “there is nothing in homoeopathic medicines except alcohol or water”. As per Avogadro’s rule, they claim that there will not be any molecules or atoms after the 12th dilution of homeopathic medicines. Hence they call homeopathy a placebo. But the study and research by Dr ES Rajendran proves that there are nanoparticles in Homoeopathic potencies. He presented studies of various homoeopathic medicines of mineral as well as organic origin and especially Aurum Metellicum, using sophisticated machines, and found the presence of nanoparticles of various sizes and structures. His findings have been also published in his book ‘NANODYNAMICS. 

He explained about his methodology, and told that he used, 

1. HRTEM (High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope) tested 45 samples of 12 drugs from minerals and metals.

2. FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope) with EDS (Energy Disperse Spectroscopy), tested 51 samples of 15 drugs from organic sources like plants.

Using the electron microscopes, samples were observed in magnifications like 1, 2, 10 micrometers, and 100, 200, 300 nm magnification, and found nanoparticles in 6c to CM potencies. He also compared the findings of ENA (Extra neutral alcohol) as a control, and found the absence of nanoparticles. So, only in homeopathic potencies he found the nanoparticles, which is very significant.

He told about the drugs tested by him: Various potencies of Aurum met, Natrum mur, Silicea, Ferrum met, X-ray, Arsenic alb, lodum, Lycopodium, Psorinum, Carbo veg, Carbo animalis, Calcarea carb, Nux vomica, Ars met, water doses of Natrum mur etc of homeopathic potencies. He also tested ENA as control. 

He showed the properties of nanoparticles, categories of nanomaterials, and their classification on the basis of structure and shape such as Agglomerates, Clusters, Branched formation, Dancing particles were given in detail. The photographs of nanoparticles in all samples were also shown.

Conclusion and inference from his seminar

1. Potentisation is nanofabrication discovered by Dr Hahnemann. 

2. All Homeopathic potencies are having Nanoparticles or Quantum dots (Quantum dots are nano-particles smaller than 10 nm) 

3. Particles of original drug substances found in all potencies. 

4. Minerals and metals medicine produce nanoparticles smaller than quantum dots.

5. Nanoparticles/QDs present in homeopathic medicines can interact with DNA and surface receptors, resulting in cure of various ailments.

6. This provides scientific explanation for homoeopathic medicines, modus operandi of cure, and hence homoeopathy. Its role in potency selection, selection of right medicine was not discussed in the seminar, we are looking forward for the same.

7. If we are able to present this before mass, media and government; “Nanomedicine is the future medicine”, hence “Homoeopathy will be the future medicine”

Dr. A K Laduna, Jaipur akladuna@yahoo.com


The articles, blogs, and content provided here HOMEOPATHIC POTENCIES HAVE NANOPARTICLES aim to be provided solely for informational purposes about homeopathy, including its principles, rules, and how it works. However, they are not a substitute for in-depth study from original and authoritative sources. To gain a comprehensive understanding of homeopathy, it is recommended to refer to the original texts and works by established homeopathic authorities. The content provided here is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered professional medical advice.

Readers are encouraged to seek out original texts, consult accredited homeopathic professionals, and conduct their own research to gain a comprehensive understanding of homeopathy. While I strive for accuracy based on homeopathic books and clarity, the information I provide may not cover the full scope of this intricate discipline. I do not endorse specific treatments or remedies, and any decisions made regarding healthcare should be made in consultation with qualified experts.

I assume no responsibility for actions taken based on the above information.


Explain Homeopathy Briefly 

Homeopathic Principles of Medicine

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Dr. Jotinder Singh Randhawa
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